Speaking Our Roots: The Fight to Preserve Indigenous Languages
summer 2024
In the remote Andean mountains of Peru, a visionary educator turned adversity into innovation by creating Kipi, the world’s first Quechua-speaking robot, using recycled materials. This ecological robot bridged the gap for students isolated by the pandemic, providing lessons in native languages and sparking a revolution in rural education. From navigating challenging terrains to gaining international recognition, Kipi’s journey has expanded to teaching English and programming, empowering children in the most isolated communities. As the project continues to grow, its impact is reshaping the future of education in Peru and beyond.
bringing cultura to libraries
summer 2023
The library serves as a community hub; holding in its hands the potential for fostering a united community, centered around the shared interests of reading and culture. Rosie's journey began with regular childhood visits to the library, eventually guiding her towards a career as a Cultural Literacy Specialist. She is a strong force for advocacy and representation. Learn how she has paved a road that helps libraries nationwide address the gaps of cultural inclusivity in library programs and services.
la familia
winter 2022
Todo comienza con la familia. Esuche a Rosa, una súper mamá, para aprender cómo cultiva la cultura chihuahuense en su familia. Desde el papel de las comidas caseras hasta mantener el español como prioridad en su hogar; un equilibrio de orgullo y humildad rezuma de su enfoque.
También describe su experiencia al involucrarse con el distrito escolar local para promover la experiencia educativa de sus hijos bilingües. Una líder latina fue clave en el éxito de Rosa. Habla de la importancia de la colaboración entre la escuela y la familia. Un experto en educación dual de la primera infancia explica cómo los pasos que tomó Rosa se alinean con las prácticas de alfabetización en español para niños pequeños y brinda consejos adicionales para familias que van por los mismos pasos.
It all starts with the family. Listen to Rosa, a super mom, to learn how she nurtures Chihuahuan culture in her family. From the role of homemade meals to keeping Spanish a priority at home; a balance of pride and humility oozes from her approach. She also describes her experience getting involved with the local school district to promote the educational experience of her bilingual children. A Latina leader was key to Rosa's success. She talks about the importance of collaboration between schools and families. An early childhood dual language education expert explains how the steps Rosa took align with Spanish literacy practices for young children, and provides additional advice for families going through the same steps.